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I'm in my element when I'm outdoors in nature walking along a beach, in the hills or on my bike.  I live in a small seaside town called Helensburgh in Scotland.  My closest family members are my mum and sister and a wee dog called Judy and i'm connected to a large extended family.  Both sets of grandparents were a big influence in my upbringing and I was primarily raised by my mum and gran with my sister as we managed a youth hostel on Loch Lomond together.

As a child I loved to be active, always moving and dancing, creating, playing and connecting with nature.  I had lots of fun with my sister and cousins as well as conflicts as we tried to find our way in the world.  In my youth I enjoyed hanging about with my friends often in nature, walking through Glens, swimming in rivers and lochs, having fun in boats and hosteling with my mum, sister and cousins.  I love adventure and often prefer travelling to taking holidays.

   About me   

I suffered a lot in my mid teens and found it difficult to concentrate on studying leaving school with low grades.  I chose to go directly into working as I enjoy learning by doing.  I gained experience in hospitality and leisure, housing, construction and the care sector and at the age of 21 was accepted into a college of nursing and graduated as a mental health nurse. I held my registration for 10 years.


Age 30, I rediscovered a true passion in life, dance!  This was through meeting my then partner who was a professional drummer. I felt inspired by him and with the encouragement of my mum re-trained as a community dance artist.  I've worked in this field freelance for 10 years facilitating workshops for people of all ages and abilities specialising in working with children in early years.  I developed my own system of working called Spinning Tots.


I call my business Nurturing Potential as I engage with people through dance, empathic coaching and facilitating nonviolent communication practices to help them to discover what they need to nurture their potential and live the fullest life possible whatever the circumstances.  I'm particularly interested in working with parents, children in early years and supporting artists to get their best work into the world.

I'm interested in continual learning and growth.  I want to mourn and celebrate life fully whilst acknowledging my limitations and capacity in any moment. I long to live in a world that's kind, where we can make meaningful connections, understand each other and have more fun.  I realise that the only person I can change is me and by being the change I want to see then perhaps I can inspire others. 

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